The purpose of this blog is to document my process of discovering how to make use of networking sites such as facebook, twitter, blogger etc in order to [hopefully] demystify the world of internet social networking for us all.

I am by no means an expert in this field, but I hope that as I gather the gems discovered along the way, you too can benefit from these discoveries, and share them with others. I welcome the era of the handmade revolution with open arms, and this blog is my way of supporting all of you who are out there trying to launch your offerings to the world.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

partay! partay!

I can't tell you how excited I am right now!! We just had a hook-up afternoon where 5 of us got together and aligned all of our networking pages into synchronistic management! I tell you, it is a revolution in communication. (ooh, I can feel a whole other blog topic building *puts on shelf for later*)...

Okay so basically what we have done is hook up all our individual pages like twitter, facebook, fan pages etc into one operational system called 'Hootsuite', which basically becomes the mothership of all network communication.

Very easy to set up, from the Hootsuite homepage. Follow the prompts to set up an account.

Once set up, systematically go through installing your profiles - twitter account, personal facebook account, face book fanpage, facebook group page etc. You should end up with a number of profile icons available to you.

Hootsuite will automatically create a new tab for each profile, so you can see each on its own tab page. What you want to do is select one tab, and then add a column for each profile you want to manage, so that you end up with all of the profiles on the one tag. You may need to adjust the column size from 1 to 5 in order to see them (its the slider tab to the right, next to "add column".)

From there, you can post to all any number of the chosen profiles, by clicking on the icon you'd like to use.

You can also schedule postings for later - choosing the best time to make an announcement, to tweet while you are asleep and the rest of the world is awake, make it look like you're hard at work while actually sipping margaritas under a palm tree ...

And it is on a live feed stream which means every 5 minutes (or whatever you set it to), all the pages automatically update themselves with the latest from around the world! You can quietly work away on a separate page, and check in throughout the day to keep your fingers on the pulse of your friends and fans. This way, you are totally available to communication IN THE MOMENT (oops, shouting) with whomever receives your, when they receive it (timing!)

I tell you, its a buzz! Go forth and conquer, and I'll catch you all soon...

(Now, I know I keep promising to do the facebook fanpage - it's coming, it's coming!)

*scoots off to make some jewellery*


  1. Damn...you've sold me, now I've gotta get Hootsuite. And a hammock.

  2. Gonna test the water here, Kirra...

  3. Go Lori! it's a blast :) if you get stuck, just convo me k
