The purpose of this blog is to document my process of discovering how to make use of networking sites such as facebook, twitter, blogger etc in order to [hopefully] demystify the world of internet social networking for us all.

I am by no means an expert in this field, but I hope that as I gather the gems discovered along the way, you too can benefit from these discoveries, and share them with others. I welcome the era of the handmade revolution with open arms, and this blog is my way of supporting all of you who are out there trying to launch your offerings to the world.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

blogging: not just a 'dear diary' moment

okay so I finally got my head around blogging... apart from having fun sharing your life with others, blogging is an extension of networking that can become quite useful over time.

I began a semi-regular blog here as a means of exploring the realm of blogging, considering things about my daily life that may contribute or inspire others, and as an addition to my website, using wordpress.

I chose wordpress because it is a free blogging service (like blogger) but has a more professional format and template structure. If you have a url homepage, or plan to get one in the future, wordpress is the way to go because you can link your wordpress to your url (and not have to reinvent the wheel). Basically, wordpress has made it possible for anyone to create their own professional-looking website, with basic computer skills. Fantastic!

What I discovered today is that if you write about other people, their products, etc you can add links to their page, facebook page, youtube link etc - which makes your blog more dynamic and multidimensional, and gives these other hardworking individuals some exposure and support.

You can then go to their networking profiles on facebook and announce that you have featured them on your blog [and why] - give some context, be friendly, not spammy - and then add the link to your blog! By doing so, you immediately have increased your exposure to your blog / product to the entire network of each person/ business you have linked to.

If you check out my latest blog entry you can see what I wrote about, and then if you follow the links and look those pages up on facebook, you can see the posts where I announced that I had included them.

It's friendly, organic and mutually-supportive - you drive traffic to them and get exposure to their networks at the same time.

Give it a go!

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